3 security technologies every organisation needs to have


One of your most important business assets is your data. It should be one of your top objectives to keep it secure. Therefore, there is a minimum requirement you should be applying right now if you don’t have much security in place.

There are numerous security options that each focus on a different goal, such as preventing criminals from obtaining entry or identifying attacks as they happen and then limiting the potential damage. Since every firm has distinct priorities and different types of data to safeguard, there is no one solution that suits everyone.

Here are three necessities that every company should implement as a foundational level of security.

1. A firewall

Internet traffic entering and leaving your IT network is watched by a firewall. Between your network and the outside world, it serves as a barrier. It serves as your initial line of defence against a network intrusion.

2. A password manager for everyone in the business.

For all of your accounts and applications, a password manager can generate virtually impossible passwords and safely store all of your login information.

That protects you from brute force assaults, in which hackers effectively attempt to break into your system by guessing the password. It also prevents you from writing down your passwords in a “safe” place!

3. A VPN (Virtual Private Network)

For any remote or hybrid employees in your company, a VPN is essential.

It implies that your staff can use your network from any location they choose to operate without fear of a thief monitoring their internet activities.

With a VPN, your device, location, and any downloads you do are fully anonymous while you browse. A VPN is necessary if you or your staff frequently use public WiFi, especially to access your network.

These are the bare minimal recommendations we can make.

The best security uses extra tools like antivirus software to prevent invasions and multi-factor authentication to confirm the identities of all users.

These combine to form a multi-layered security shield that can fend off attackers from numerous angles.

However, it’s crucial that you design a security strategy that is appropriate for your particular company. It makes sense to look for expert assistance.

Not everyone shares our enthusiasm for IT security. But we unquestionably care deeply about it.

If we can help you, get in touch.