How important it is to have a website for your business?

In the digital world, no one questions the importance of the website for a company. Regardless of the segment or size of your business, a web page is the minimum digital presence that an organisation must present to guarantee its credibility

In the digital world, no one questions the importance of the website for a company. Regardless of the segment or the size of your company, a web page is the minimum digital presence that an organisation must present to guarantee its credibility. Do you know of any successful brands that don’t invest online?

The Internet has been changing people’s consumer behaviour. For example, if you wanted to know more about a product/service before, you would need to go to a store.

Today, however, it is enough to access the content of websites, blogs, forums and social networks to read recommendations and compare prices. As expected, such changes also change the customer’s purchase journey.

Because of this, in today’s post, you will understand the importance of having a website for your company. If you are interested in this subject, read on and check it out! What changes in the purchase journey?

The purchase journey is the mapping of the steps that a consumer goes through to complete the purchase of a product/service. And, as we have already mentioned, the Internet changes that.

With the periodic production of relevant content in text or video, you are able to educate them on the subject of your business, in addition to building authority in your area of expertise.

It is also important to keep an eye on how your page is ranking in search engines. The SEO (in English, Search Engine Optimization) is precisely its optimization and involves factors on-page, such as Content Marketing, and off-page, such as link building.

After all, a well-known brand in the online environment inspires more confidence, which is a decisive factor when making a purchase decision.

Generates more conversions

A website that provides good user experience (in English, User Experience – UX ) helps to convert visitors into leads and then customers. Despite not being a new field in Design, UX has gained more space with the boom in mobile devices.

As a set of experiences and emotions that a user experiences when browsing his page, he counts a lot when choosing which product/service to buy.

A bad experience damages the credibility of the business. On the other hand, satisfied consumers often share their opinions on social networks, which leads to the famous word of mouth.

You need a website which adapts to the size of the screen on which they are displayed. With the increase in the number of tablets and smartphones, there is no longer any way to be sure where your potential customer will access your site, do you agree? Therefore, if you can also have a mobile version, it is important.

For you to have an idea, cell phones have been consolidated as the main means of internet connection for Peoples. The information is from the National Household Sample Survey (Pnad) 2015 conducted by the Institute of Geography and Statistics.

Serves as an alternative to traditional advertising

Television, radio and print media require greater financial investments, both for the creation of a play and for its broadcast.

With Google’s paid ad service –  Google Ads  -, for example, you can increase your company’s exposure in search engine results and on the Display Network. The advertiser pays only when the ad is clicked and there is no minimum amount required to create the campaign.

With Facebook Ads, you can target your messages to specific audiences according to demographic and behavioural criteria. It is also possible to determine a daily budget to be invested, as well as the format of the advertisement and the location of its placement.

According to a study by Ipsos Connect, more than 3 million companies advertise on Facebook, the majority of which are small and medium-sized.

Allows performance measurement

Did you know that the great differential of the digital medium compared to traditional Marketing, is the ease of monitoring performance in real-time? And the main tool on the market for this is free, Google Analytics (GA).

It provides a multitude of metrics in real-time about the traffic on your pages, which helps a lot in understanding the browsing behaviour of visitors. Based on this information, it becomes easier to convert them.

Without a doubt, knowing how to evaluate the performance of your campaigns makes a lot of difference for your optimisation. In times of economic crisis, this gains even more relevance, believe me.

Provides exclusivity

Have you ever had that feeling of freedom when you finally left your parents’ house to live in a corner of your own? That is the importance of the website for a company, a space to call yours on the Internet.

When we bet on already consolidated platforms, such as social networks, we are using resources from other companies. In other words, you are restricted to the terms of use, privacy policy and features provided by a third party.

However advanced these platforms and their tools maybe, at some point you may feel a certain limitation, in addition to being vulnerable to decisions that directly influence the space you built on them.

In fact, there is no effective control when you are in an outsourced virtual environment. If one of these companies ever turns to you and says, “off my property!”, You probably won’t have much to do about it.

With a website of your company – even if you do not make major investments initially – you can customize it according to the needs of your business, such as promotional actions, customer relations, gamification and other Inbound Marketing strategies.

As an example, we can mention the promotional actions of Coca-Cola and the presentation of the new BMWX2. Customizing your space and making a good first brand impression are options limited only by your creativity and investment. Your website your rules.

Let’s surf a new trend

The importance of the site for a company is also valid for small and medium-sized companies, which have grown a lot in participation, as well as the number of e-consumers, demonstrating that this is a behaviour that has been incorporated into the daily life of peoples

All these numbers associated with the already consolidated example of e-commerce in developed countries, corroborate the maxim of Bill Gates: in the future, there will be two types of companies, those that do business over the internet and those that are out of business. You must have a website if you want to surf this trend.

Gives a competitive advantage

The importance of the website for a company involves another incentive – which may bother you a little more – which is the competitive strategy developed by the business in its segment.

As we noted earlier, the virtual environment is a huge opportunity, especially for small and medium-sized companies, which through a website can guarantee a low-cost space to show their products and services to the market, and not be held hostage by an expensive media like the traditional one.

The Internet favours access to information. This means that, in the virtual world, the most important information for decision making is available for consultation in a simple, fast and efficient way, through different tools.

While you don’t guarantee your space on the web through a website for your company, and the opportunities available on the Internet don’t work, someone in your same niche market is probably doing it now.

Even if your services are conditioned to a physical environment, your client goes through the virtual world to probe the available solutions to your problem. Not investing in this communication channel is to be penalised indirectly, because you take away from your client the possibility that he would have to find your offer.

If you made it this far, you should already be convinced of the relevance of building your webspace. In a competitive market like the current one, investing in online presence is an urgent and essential need for the growth of a company.